Third Quarter, 2022 Summary Meeting
- administrator
- #MaiVinh; #third quarter; #rewward
The Summary Meeting of third Quarter took place on October 15, 2022 at the Company Office with the participation of the Company’s Board of Directors and all staffs.
Combining reporting on the completion of goals and work in Quarter III, orientation of goals for Quarter IV and accompanying reward and birthday activities.
The meeting emphasized the positive points and limitations of departments, divisions/divisions, encouraging individuals and departments to propose their own methods and solutions to learn from experience and overcome. The meeting time is from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., allowing all employees to present problems and difficulties in their work.
Reward individuals and departments with outstanding achievements in the quarter.
The Board of Directors would like to send congratulations to staff whose birthdays are in the third quarter of 2024, wishing you good health and success in life.